attempts to hack

While revamping 123Unix!com pages I’ve set the whole of to be behind a ht password. The only reason for that was to save stray visitors from confusion of half-written pages at the website. So the password wasn’t particularly strong – just a single character!

Still, “real” hackers don’t brute-force passwords any more, they’ve got special techniques to hack into a password-protected website.

What did do? They’ve tried different typical WP administration URLs:


The first one was correct, but they’ve got a HTTP 401 response and hence moved on (getting the same return code in each subsequent try).

Two more things are noticeable with this case:
They’ve used a known robot User-Agent string: "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1;" so they didn’t appear in my awstats reports,
OTOH they’ve been nowhere like secretive with their reverse IP double-resolving correctly to (

So who’s this?..